Pneumatic Driller (Perforator)
Ideal pneumatic perforator to execute the holes for diamond wire passing. It is equipped with a rotating head and a down-the-hole hammer that allows one to reach drilling depth of 25/30 meters even with inhomogeneities within the rock, always keeping a high drilling speed
“Driller” pneumatic perforator to execute holes with down-the-hole hammer for diamond wire passage, complete with:
- Column MC for drilling stock 1.6m
- Pneumatic rotating head EP 95
- 3 Chains for anchoring
- 3 Wrenches (for drilling rods and down-the-hole hammer)
- Down jack for quick positioning
- Drill steel 22 x 108 diam. 40mm L 400mm for down jack fixing hole
- Control panel with centralized lubrication
Drilling Tools:
- Drilling rod diam. 76mm, L 1000m / API 2″3/8
- Button Bit for DTH Hammers diam. 90mm